Ethiopian Cold Brew
Add 1 heaped tablespoon, per serving, of our ETHIOPIA - Yirgacheffe coffee ground for a cafetiere to a cafetiere. Steep the coffee in cold water over night. Once steeped, press the coffee and serve over ice - add syrup and/or milk for a less intense cold brew.
Espresso Classico Martini
Brew a single espresso of our Espresso Classico in either a moka pot, aeropress or an espresso machine. Alternatively, use a concentrated cold brew, make by using the method for the 'Ethiopian Cold Brew' but with Espresso Classico and 2 teaspoons instead of 1 per serving. Let the brewed coffee cool and add to a cocktail shaker with ice, 50ml vodka, 15 ml coffee liquor, and 15ml simple syrup. Shake so that a foam is formed, pour in to martini glasses and garnish with whole coffee beans. For a decaf martini, try using our Swiss Water™ Decaf Espresso coffee.
Coffee Frappe
Make a cup of black coffee using your preferred brewing method and favourite coffee and allow to cool. Add to a blender with ice, milk, and a syrup of your choosing - we recommend our Monin Coffee Syrup in caramel or hazelnut! Blend for at least one minute until frothy - serve and enjoy!
Espresso and Tonic (E&T)
We recommend using a citrusy coffee, such as our KENYA or El Salvador Yellow Bourbon. Brew a single espresso or cold brew - make sure whicever you choose is completely cooled. Fill a glass with ice and add desired amount of tonic water. Add espresso or top glass with cold brew, swirl and enjoy. (For a citrusy kick, try adding a slice of grapefruit).
Bouquet Royal Mocktail
Infuse Bouquet Royal in boiling water and let cool down. Add equal parts of the iced tea and lemonade. Serve with ice, a slice of orange, raspberries, mint leaves (the options here are endless, so feel free to get creative!). Optional: Swap lemonade for tonic and add a splash of your favourite gin to make a gorgeous Bouquet Royal G&T.
Earl Grey Iced Tea
Add 4-5 heaped teaspoons of our EARL GREY tea to a litre of boiling water and let steep for 3-5 minutes. Fill ice cubes in to a large pitcher and pour in the brewed tea. Add 50ml of sugar syrup and the juice of 1 lemon. Serve with ice and lemon wedge and enjoy!
Medittarean Sun Tea and Tonic
Add 10 heaped teaspoons of our MEDITERRANEAN SUN herbal infusion to a litre of boiling water and let steep fo at least 15 minutes. Wait till completely cool. Slice a grapefruit and add to the cooled tea. along with 500ml of tonic water. Drink on icewith a sprig of thyme, add 25ml of gin to each serving for a boozy alternative.
Cloud Catcher Iced Tea
Add 10 heaped teaspoons of our Cloud Catcher herbal infusion to a litre of boiling water and let steep for at least 15 minutes. Fill ice cubes or crushed ice into a large pitcher and pour in the brewed tea. Wait until completely cooled before serving with some fresh, pitted cherries. Top with water or soda and garnish with mint leaves. Add a sweet coconut liquor for a boozy alternative.
Peppermint Mojito
Add 7 heaped teaspoons of our PEPPERMINT HERB infusion to a litre of boiling water. Let steep for 8 minutes. Wait until tea is completely cooled. Add 2 teaspoons of cane sugar in to a tall glass, add a lime cut in to quarters and crush with a mudler. Add crushed ice to the glass and fill up with brewed tea. The perferct alcohol free mojito but simply add 25ml of white rum to each glass for a traditional mojito.
Milky Oolong Creamy Mocktail
Add 7-8 heaped teaspoons of our Milky Oolong tea to a litre of approx. 80 degree celcius water and let steep for 3 minutes. Fill ice cubes into a large pitcher and pour in the brewed tea. Wait till completely cool before adding a dash of milk. Serve like this or add a scoop of vanilla ice cream for an extra delicious sweet treat!