GUATEMALA - Todosantarita
GUATEMALA - Todosantarita
Process: Washed
Altitude: 1350m - 1650m
Roast: Medium
Characteristics: A deliciously smooth coffee with notes of chocolate, peach, vanilla and dates. Coffee, once picked, is fermented whole for 24 hours to just bring a little bit of fruit to the profile. Following this, cherries are wet processed and spread on patios to sun dry for around 48 to 60 hours. The majority of the varietals grown is Caturra, forming roughly 65% of the crop.
In March 1986, 17 people created a group that was the precursor to Todosantarita and with the help and expertise of Fedecocagua, Todosantarita cooperative was formally set up 6 years later. Since its inception, they have been able to improve to infrastructure with the building and/or repair of roads, and this led to a school, library, clinic and drinking water improvements too. The Cooperative now consists of 131 members.